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Notfallkontakte/Emergency contacts

Kontakte für akute Notfälle und Krisensituationen:
Contacts for emergencies and crisis situations:


Polizei/Police: 133

Rettung/Ambulance Service: 144


Social psychiatric emergency assistance:
daily from 0-24h
+43 1 31330


Kriseninterventionszentrum/Crisis Intervention Center Vienna:
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
telephone & Email advice possible // over phone & email counseling
+43 1 40 69 595 &


Frauennotruf/24-Hours Women’s Emergency Helpline:
daily 0-24h
+ 43 1 71719


Männernotruf/24-Hours Men’s Emergency Helpline:
daily 0-24h
0800 246247


Rat auf Draht:
daily from 0-24h (by telephone & online)
Mon-Fri 6-8pm (chat consultation)
(without area code) 147


Telephone counseling (Telefonseelsorge):
daily from 0-24h (by telephone, chat consultation and online)
(without area code) 142


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