Everyone experiences times of crises and psychological stress. If these psychological problems can no longer be managed alone and persist over a longer period of time, you should seek professional support.
Psychotherapy helps:
to heal or alleviate mental suffering
to be able to deal constructively with life crises
change stressful behaviors and attitudes
to promote personal development and health
As a psychotherapist, my personal concern is to help you overcome your emotional challenges and improve your quality of life.
My services are available to adolescents, (young) adults, older adults, and couples.
All queer individuals/couples are warmly welcome!
"The only constant in life is change." - Heraclitus of Ephesus

About me
Sabrina Milas
As a psychotherapist, my personal concern is to help you overcome your emotional challenges and improve your quality of life. Together we will work to improve your satisfaction, your self-worth and your inner strength. It is important to build a trusting and empathetic relationship with you so that we can work together on the issues that are most important to you. As a therapist, I support my clients in reflecting on their thoughts and feelings and finding new ways to deal with stressful situations.
There are times in life when things change. It becomes more difficult to deal with certain situations and the negative experiences of everyday life become predominant. In these situations, psychotherapy can help to find appropriate coping strategies for the current situation.
Individual therapy offers space for a variety of questions and offers the opportunity to find new approaches to your own feelings. Repeating patterns are uncovered and work is done to change them.
Initial consultation – 50 minutes –EUR 90,-- - Payment is made in cash
Ongoing therapy– 50 minutes – EUR 90,--
Couples often already have important skills to deal with the current life situation/challenges. However, external impulses can help to open up new perspectives and draw attention to previously undiscovered possibilities.
In couples therapy all your questions have space to be discussed in a safe environment. Open questions could be: How can we communicate with each other in an appreciative manner? Is the foundation of our relationship still stable or how can we strengthen it again? What needs have been neglected and how can we meet them?
Initial consultation – 90 minutes –EUR 160,-- - Payment is made in cash
Ongoing therapy– 90 minutes –EUR 160,--
Further information
The obligation to maintain confidentiality is self-evident and, in addition to the legal obligation, also serves to ensure a safe atmosphere.
According to §15 PthG, psychotherapists are obliged to maintain the strictest secrecy about all secrets entrusted to them in the exercise of their profession, namely from all third parties including spouses, life partners, but also private and public institutions, such as authorities or social security institutions.
A breach of the duty of confidentiality can only be excusable if, in an emergency situation involving acute danger to oneself or others, an imminent disadvantage to oneself or others can be averted. The Psychotherapy Act is therefore much stricter than, for example, the professional secrecy of doctors (§ 26 Medical Act).
Also as a psychotherapist in training under supervision I am subject to a duty of confidentiality. To ensure quality, I regularly have discussions with experienced supervisors. But here too, care is taken to ensure that these are only discussed in an anonymous form and it is ensured that no information is exchanged that could endanger the patient's privacy.
General conditions
Psychotherapists in training under supervision
As a psychotherapist in training under supervision, my training has progressed so far that I have acquired the skills to work as a psychotherapist. In terms of quality assurance, however, strict quality criteria are laid down in the Austrian Psychotherapy Act. These include that my work for the completion of the training is accompanied by experienced supervisors for a certain period of time.
Due to the status in training under supervision, reimbursement of the costs for psychotherapy by the health insurance companies is not possible.
Cancellation policy
If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance. In case of illness as soon as possible. In the event of later cancellations, the normal hourly rate will be charged.